A bugout bag is a survival kit that you keep handy in case you need to evacuate at a moments notice. It is also known as a go bag, 72 hour bag or grab bag.
Everybody’s BOB is slightly different but the essentials include items to cover 5 key areas: Environmental Protection (Clothing), Water Purification, Food Supplies, Shelter, and First Aid.
A bugout bag is intended to provide you with the tools and resources that you need in the event of a disaster that forces you to leave your home. They are meant to cover your needs for up to 72 hours while you get to a safer place or until help arrives.
Having enough water is essential for your survival. You can survive without food for about three days, but it’s very difficult to do so without water. A bugout bag should contain a minimum of three days worth of drinking water.
You may also want to include other water-related items, like a filtration device or a water treatment tablet. Having extra water bottles is always a good idea. It’s important to remember that you may not have access to water during a crisis. You may need to purify water or use water from a source that you can’t easily reach. Other useful items to have in your bugout bags include emergency blankets, hand warmers, and work gloves. They are small, easy to store, and can keep you warm and protect you from germs in the event of an emergency.
In addition to providing your body with essential nutrients, food gives you energy for survival. This means your bug out bag should include food that is nutrient-dense, lightweight, and easy to prepare. Some options to consider include granola bars, trail mixes, peanut butter packets, beef jerky, canned vegetables and fruits, and MREs.
When choosing your bug out bag foods, be sure to avoid those with empty calories such as sugary candy or soda. These will give you a temporary boost, but won’t provide the long-term fuel you need to survive. Instead, opt for nutrient-dense comfort foods such as peanut butter packets, jerky, oatmeal or grits packets, and healthy bar options like Larabars.
Also, be sure to pack a supply of hand sanitizer and wet wipes for hygiene purposes in case you lose access to soap and water during an emergency. This will help keep you and your loved ones safe from germs while also keeping them feeling comfortable. Also, don’t forget a multipurpose tool with a can opener (or you can use the built-in one on your flashlight) and a small pack of cotton balls to help make fire.
The items you choose to pack in your bug out bag will depend on your specific situation. While some general supplies are universal, like fire starters, it’s worth adding extra items to improve the likelihood of survival. This includes a multipurpose tool with knife, can opener and screwdriver, duct tape, door stoppers or wedges (this one viral hack is based on real-life stories of people trapped in their houses by civil unrest), and some sort of tarp to create a shelter.
You also want to include a first aid kit with bandages, ointment and antiseptic. You should also pack any prescription medications you or a family member rely on. Finally, don’t forget to pack feminine hygiene products like tampons and pads. These may seem silly, but they are a necessary part of any survival plan and can save your life in some situations.
First Aid
This is one of the most important items in any bugout bag. Without it, you’ll be stuck until help can arrive. That’s why it’s important to have some basic first aid supplies on hand.
That includes bandages, a first aid kit, and some pain killers. Also, make sure to pack some anti-biotic ointment and an emergency blanket. The blanket is important because it can keep you warm and trap radiant body heat, which can be a lifesaver for an injured person.
Other things to include are a whistle and walkie talkies (with extra batteries). These will allow you to communicate with others while you’re on the move. Plus, a signal mirror can be a great way to let people know you’re coming their way.
While there are many other things that could be included in a bugout bag, these 5 key areas will cover you for most situations. The other items you add should be specific to your location and the types of disasters you’re preparing for. Having extra gear on hand is always a good idea, but it’s best to be realistic about what you can carry.
A bug out bag is a small emergency kit that contains essential items you need to get away from your home in the event of a disaster. They are meant to be portable, lightweight and compact enough to be carried in a backpack.
When putting together a bug out bag it is important to think about the big picture. Where are you going to go if you need to bug out and where will you stay? This will help you decide what to include in your bag. It is also important to consider the physical limitations of your body when choosing what to pack. It is easy to pack too much and end up with a bag that is heavy and unmanageable.
Having communication with other people is another important aspect of bugging out. Communication tools such as walkie talkies, a radio and a signal mirror are essential. It is also a good idea to have defense tools in your bag, such as pepper spray. This is because there may be a need to defend yourself or your loved ones in an emergency situation.