How To Find Support in Group Homes For Troubled Teens

How To Find Support in Group Homes For Troubled Teens

Millions of parents have teens that show troubling signs like mood changes, rebellion and mixing with bad influences. If this is true of your family, a mental health professional may recommend a Group Home for Troubled Teens. The best facilities offer a residential therapeutic program with a 1-to-1 treatment approach. Frequently these choice programs are located outside New York and they accept teens from all over the country.

Find The Right Program

Whether your troubled teenager is struggling with emotional trauma, depression, addictions, or problems at school, it is important to find the right program to help them turn things around. Group homes for troubled teens offer a safe environment where they can focus on getting well and can learn how to better interact with their family and friends. These programs typically provide 24-hour supervision and a structured, family-style therapeutic environment. They also help teens recover from their mental health issues and develop a healthy sense of self-esteem. Teens who enroll in these programs will often receive life coaching, life skills training, and emotional support.

When choosing a program, it is important to look for one that has the proper facilities and credentialed staff to care for your child’s needs. It is also a good idea to consider a residential treatment center that is located outside of New York, as this can give your teen more privacy and remove them from negative influences they might encounter at home.

Find A Good Home

Parents who are looking into group homes for their teenagers often have a lot of questions about what these programs can and cannot do. Some of these facilities are state-run and are designed to be housing for children with disabilities and mental disorders who cannot live with their families. Unfortunately, these programs are not usually therapeutic and do not foster true change in troubled teens. Other programs are more structured, offering life coaching, education, and other forms of professional therapy. They are often designed to help troubled teens overcome issues such as addiction, eating disorders, and emotional problems. They also help them learn how to live on their own, so they can return home with the skills necessary to lead healthy, productive lives.

Typically, these programs will also provide family therapy and individual counseling sessions. This is a great way for parents to gain new strategies for helping their teens and for their kids to get the emotional support they need to thrive.

Find A Good Support System

When troubled teens begin to act out, they are often facing emotional and psychological problems that need to be addressed. These could include issues such as drug abuse, anger management, ADD/ADHD, eating disorders or depression. Many teens are unable to handle these problems on their own and require outside help, such as in a group home for troubled girls. These programs, such as Liahona Academy, provide a safe and supportive environment that can help them deal with their problems and return to a healthy lifestyle.

If your teenager is exhibiting signs of trouble such as skipping classes, acting out in school or having problems forming relationships with friends and family, it is vital that you seek help for them immediately. Contacting a professional therapist is a great place to start, and you can find therapists through online services such as BetterHelp. They will match you with a counselor who can help with your specific needs.

Find A Good Therapist

Often, the best way to get reluctant teens to engage in treatment is to find them a good therapist. Teens need to feel comfortable with their therapist and trust that they can open up to them. This is why some parents line up a few possibilities and let their teenager interview them before committing to therapy. When interviewing therapists, it is important to ask about their experience working with teens and what types of therapy they prefer to use. Also, it is helpful to know whether your teen has any preferences, such as male or female therapists or age range.

It is also important to remind your teen that therapy is not a place to unload all their secrets. It is more like a coach that is there to teach them new skills they can use in their life. This can help them see therapy in a positive light. It is also helpful to ask them what one goal they would like to achieve in therapy.


The teenage years can be very difficult for many youth. If a young person is struggling with emotional issues, academic problems or is mixing with the wrong peer group, enrolling in a choice treatment program like a group home for troubled teens may be an excellent next step.